Sunday, June 22, 2008

2nd Lesson

Planning around this stupidly hot weather(110F, ?!?!), my flight on Saturday was postponed to today, even thought the heat was still bothersome today at 9 in the morning. It only a cool 75 degrees will 10kt winds straight down the runway, but the sun in the windshield made flying to the east uncomfortable. Other then that, my second flight was another success.

Originally my flight instructor was not going to teach me the detailed preflight until my second lesson (today), but because I have been through a few before with my pilot friends he went thought it with me in detail last flight. This allowed me to go through the full inspection with my instructor today just observing, making the occasional comment if I missed anything. The preflight is quite straight forward, as long as I follow a regular flow around the airplanes and checking the checklist for items.

The last item he had me check... the door hings. "We don't want the door falling off in flight." He looked at the hing and tugged on the door a little. A metal hing pin fell out of the ground. Whoops! We secured the pin back into the hing and noted it needed fixing on the maintenance log.

A few Gs in the morning always brings a smile to my face
I took off completely unassisted today and we departed out to the south to fly around Avila Bay. Using the nuclear power plant in one direction and the sand dunes in the other as reference points, I performed 360 degree steep turns over the bay. With a solid handle on those, we practiced constant altitude speed changes, and lastly constant speed, constant altitude flap changes. To finish off the day, we flew back to the airport and entered the pattern. I followed along again as my instructor landed the aircraft.

Flight time logged: 1 Hours
Total time logged: 2 Hours

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